Wednesday, September 03, 2008

The new Trailer is up!

Here is the trailer for our upcoming release " Agent Emes: Hard To Forget (part 1)"

Agent Emes: Hard To Forget from Leibel on Vimeo.

I am working frantically to finish all aspects of the DVD, including sound mix, color corrections, special effects, and even a new special feature.

The DVD will available in stores and online by the beginning of October 2008.

Please pass word along!


Anonymous said...

looking good

Anonymous said...

it looks the coolest i can't wait for it to be ready!!!

Anonymous said...

dear new agent emes -yissocar i had the honors to meet you r adorable cousins ester and yitzy zaleinko first of all if you would like to know how 1.they are both in my school this is how i found out that they are related to you they were at a camp between camp and scool i was one of the counslers on the second day we were playing with clay and one of yitzys freinds said you know agent emes so all of a sudden yitzys voice pops up and he says yeah my cousin is the new agent emes so we asked him what is your cousins name he said yissacar(i read that that was your name )so when i heard this i screached so thats the story so i wish you a lot of luck and hatzlocha

Anonymous said...

my mother doesnt let me buy it!!!!!